Women’s hair loss or thinning hair can be utterly devastating to your self- image and emotional well being. Fortunately, treatments and proven non-surgical hair replacement solutions exist to give you the hair you always wanted. In this article, we are going to introduce four of the biggest women’s fall Hair trends that you will find this fall.

Curtain bangs:

One of the trendiest hairstyles of this season is the curtain bangs which has a textured and flirty look. The bangs are ever- so slightly messy and gorgeous. When paired with a high ponytail it is a masterpiece. It works well with almost all hair textures or colors. It works well with all textures because it can be worn either curly or straight depending on your taste, but when worn it is proven to look radiating. Curtain bangs when styled can make a masterpiece of a face by framing the face and turning it into a perfectly angled chiseled wonder. Thick bangs can be paired with a shoulder-length cut. The bangs are then maintained to stay soft and fluttery as it frames the face.

Finger waves:

This is a one of a kind throwback hairstyle that had become trendy again because of being popularized by some of the most prominent celebrities. Unlike in the previous eras, its former stiffness and even gelled finger waves of the early 20’s and late 90’s have been modified to being softer and simpler to maintain.
There’s a more modern spin by curling the face-framing layers with the use of a wand before firmly pinning the waves flat on the head with clips. For a better turn out, a combing gel and even a smoothing cream could be run through damp hair. After which it could then be styled with the use of fingers and even a comb to recreate the enchanting waves.

Slicked back:

Wet hair seems to be one of the highlights of this season as short hair also seems to be trending. To achieve this wondrous effect one brushes both sides of the hair straight back before cutting it around the base of the head. To attain the glossy texture, the use of pomade or hair products could be necessary as they are run through damp hair and then left to dry up.
It has sharp lines and smooth textures. Bobby pins aren’t a necessity, but some celebrities who have rocked this hairstyle use it to keep it one piece for a smooth look. When tucked behind the ear it shows off and frames the face and also collarbone.

Messy Bun

It is one of the prominent trends of this year. The messy bun is an elegant hairstyle that shows off one as even being royal. This wispy style could be achieved without necessarily visiting a saloon. It can be attained by spraying the crown of the head with some hairspray and then gently brushing it back into a bun. A few strands of hair can be pulled out to frame the face and give a windblown look. It doesn’t require a lot of maintenance, just combing and pinning the hair into an elegant look.
Don’t let hair loss or thinning hair hold you back this fall. Get the look you always wanted and restore your confidence with our seamless and undetectable non-surgical hair replacement systems. Schedule a free hair loss evaluation today and make the first step towards restoring your confidence and obtaining the hair you’ve always wanted.

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