Hair loss is no laughing matter when it happens to you. The science of trichology and non-surgical hair replacement systems has revealed a whole new array of methods for dealing with the pernicious problem of hair loss.

In the event that your hair loss is caused by an underlying disease, treatment of that disease is imperative.Pattern baldness can be treated with the proper medication. Such treatments approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are:
Minoxidil (Rogaine)
According to the American Hair Loss Association, Minoxidil was first used in tablet form as a medicine to treat high blood pressure (antihypertensive). It was noticed that patients being treated with minoxidil experienced excessive hair growth (hypertrichosis) as a side effect. Further research showed that applying a solution of minoxidil directly to the scalp could also stimulate hair growth. The amount of minoxidil absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream is usually too small to cause internal side effects.
Finasteride (Propecia) 
This is a prescribed pill and it is only available to men and is a daily pill.Results show that men taking this pill have slow hair loss and increased hair growth. Continuous use retains its benefits. Its side effects include a reduced sex drive and sexual function and an increased risk of prostate cancer. Pregnant women should avoid crushed or broken pills.

This is used in the event of permanent hair loss as only the top of the head is affected. Hair transplant or restoration surgery can use part of your hair to get the desired results. This procedure requires the surgeon to remove small plugs of skin, each containing a few hairs from the back of the scalp. The plugs are implanted into the bald section of the scalp. A hair loss medication may be prescribed before and after surgery to improve results. These procedures are expensive and may cause pain and there are risks of infection and scarring.
The Virtual Reality Method
If you do not want to take medication or you are not responding to medication, Virtual Reality Non-surgical hair replacement systems are a great non-surgical option to treat your hair loss. It is effective for temporary or permanent hair loss. The process involves the application of a  transparent, ultra-thin Derma Lens membrane to the scalp, which the specialist meticulously applies to the scalp and replicates natural hair growth patterns to produce natural-looking restored hair.A non-surgical hair replacement system can give you the restored hair you desire in a matter of weeks, not several months. Furthermore, it won’t cost you an arm and a leg to do so!

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