The world still has a long way to go in terms of true hair equality. While a new study from the University of Pennsylvania shows that hairless men appear more attractive and dominant than their well-thatched counterparts, a less-than-sexy image of a bald woman still prevails.
The reality of female baldness is still a shocking idea, whether it’s Kristen Stewart or Katy Perry getting their clippers out for a buzz cut or Chloe Fox sharing her poignant story about her fight with breast cancer. Cara Delevingne is one of the very few women reclaiming the scalp, demonstrating to hair-challenged folk that exuding confidence and style is possible, even without long, flowing locks.

Coping with the Social Stigma of Female Baldness
Data from the National Health Service shows that nearly half of women over 65 will experience female pattern baldness. The condition manifests due to several reasons, including menopause, crash dieting, and contraceptives. No matter the cause, the term is still invariably associated with either sickness or shame. While millions of women in the US suffer from the condition, experts believe that the issue lacks proper attention.
Female pattern baldness has no detrimental impact on physical well-being, but it could have a significant impact on psychological health. Since women associate their locks with sexuality, age, and identity, hair loss can deal a tough blow to their self-confidence and body image. In contrast, baldness in men can be empowering. Celebrities like Vin Diesel and Bruce Willis have turned baldness into a symbol of virility, for instance.
Understanding the Causes of Hair Loss
Female pattern baldness results in a slowing down of the hair’s growing phase. Since it takes longer for the new locks to start growing, the hair follicles end up shrinking. In turn, it makes a person’s hair grow finer and thinner. As a result, the hair can easily break and put a person at a higher risk of hair loss. Some of the factors that influence hair loss include:
Age. As women approach menopause, their estrogen and testosterone levels changes. The extra testosterone around the hair follicle could lead to a decrease in hair thickness and increased shedding.
Genetics. Sometimes, thinning hair is hereditary. Chances are, a person with female pattern baldness had mothers or grandmothers with the same condition.

Hormonal changes due to sickness and stress. Trichologists claim that poor diets, hormonal imbalances, weight loss, and low iron levels all contribute to hair loss. Healthy hair requires proper nutrition and a well-functioning endocrine system.
There are other reasons for hair loss, such as improper hair care, which will be discussed in the following section.
Proper Hair Care Prevents Further Hair Loss and Thinning
There are several ways women can take care of their locks to prevent further damage and thinning. By keeping hairstyles simple and refraining from over-styling by using chemical dyes and relaxers, they can prevent breakage and preserve hair health. Additionally, it helps to maintain a well-balanced diet. Nutritional deficiencies are, after all, one of the most common causes of hair thinning.
Avoiding emotional and psychological stress can also encourage hair to fall out, so engaging in stress-relieving exercises like yoga and meditation can prevent the cycle of hair loss.
Female pattern hair loss is a condition that progressively worsens with age. Fortunately, early preventative measures can keep the condition from worsening. At Tony’s Hair Replacement Systems, LLC we provide cosmetic miracle hair restoration to give our patients a natural and rejuvenated appearance. Let us help you regain confidence and enhance your lifestyle with our natural-looking hair solutions. Contact us today to schedule a hair loss evaluation consultation.

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