Many researchers have devoted their lives to expand our understanding of male- and female-pattern hair loss. But evolutionary theories explain it better.

Male-pattern hair loss (MPHL) or androgenic alopecia accounts for more than 95% of hair loss in men, says the American Hair Loss Association. Androgenic alopecia also occurs in women, a condition called female-pattern hair loss (FPHL), which becomes more appreciable by age 50.
For a condition that’s so common, one would assume that it’s widely understood. As a matter of fact, very little is known about the underlying cause of why people go bald. The literature surrounding pattern hair loss is quite limited and ambiguous that people have come to accept it as a part of life.
This has led many researchers to find new approaches to studying the condition. One approach that has gained traction is that baldness is an adaptation developed by humans some thousands of years ago.
Genetic Predisposition
The evolutionary hypothesis seeks to identify why humans – males in particular – evolved to lose body hair. A combination of genetics and the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is believed to be the cause behind MPHL. Because this type of hair loss is genetically predisposed, the process begins in utero.
Pattern hair loss presents itself differently on men and women. It manifests as receding hairlines and “Hippocratic wreaths” in men and thinning of the hair in women. Such distinction proves that genetics and hormones do play a role. However, researchers argue that pattern hair loss is still multifactorial.
Hair Loss as an Advantage
Instead of treating pattern hair loss as a disease, researchers taking the adaptation route construe that humans took this evolutionary leap for a good reason. They explain that baldness was not always perceived in a negative light.
Some studies also suggest that pattern baldness evolved to increase vitamin D levels to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. And because vitamin D sourced from sunlight is absorbed by the skin or scalp, having a bald head presented an advantage. This theory is also very much linked to why humans have different hair and skin colors.
Females, on the other hand, had to keep their lush tresses because they provided a selection advantage to them, but not so much to men. Simply put, it was generally okay for males to go bald without losing attractiveness in the eyes of females.
Modern Solutions for Pattern Baldness
The Ludwig and Hamilton-Norwood scales have been developed to classify the nuances between female pattern hair loss and male pattern hair loss, respectively. The Ludwig scale only has three stages, beginning with thinning on the top of the head to the crown. However, not all women with androgenic alopecia fit into the three stages. The Hamilton-Norwood scale, on the other hand, has seven classifications, which shows how variedly hair loss in men progresses.
Over the years, medicine and surgical and non-surgical treatments have made remarkable strides to stop or slow the progression of hair loss, and even restore lost hair. And experts are enthusiastic about it, given the amount of time and research devoted to shedding light on this condition.
Modern solutions include medicine to boost hair regrowth, surgical hair transplants, and non-surgical hair restoration. Non-surgical hair replacement systems have significantly evolved in the past few years, allowing men and women to have naturally-looking hair at a much more affordable price.
Because of the multifactorial nature of androgenic alopecia and the many nuances of baldness, experts emphasize the importance of consulting hair restoration experts first. An expert would be able to identify the appropriate treatment for each condition. Given how important hair has become in modern society, especially in terms of career advancement and self-esteem, having safe and accessible options are quite a groundbreaking achievement. There’s just no way humans would accept “acceptance” as the only cure for baldness.

What are Virtual Reality Hair Systems?
Dealing with hair loss has given rise to a variety of hair restoration solutions. Apart from costly surgical hair transplant operations, there are non-surgical methods to hair replacement, such as the “Virtual Reality Hair Systems” from Tony’s Hair Replacement Systems. 
A hair unit, as part of a hair replacement system for men, distinguishes itself from a hairpiece for its natural look. Aesthetically, it appears organic through the application of an obscure, non-surgical Derma Lens, wherein human hair is inserted. Through likeness in color, density, curl pattern and texture, Virtual Reality hair can restore the fullness of thinning hair, effectively providing the confidence and sense of self-esteem that were once lost due to balding.
Since 1976, Tony’s HRS has established itself as the premier hair replacement studio in South Carolina. Coupling their extensive experience in the industry with the expertise of hair replacement systems, the studio is more than capable of providing innovative, technological, and traditional non-surgical hair replacement methods.
Businessmen and ordinary people who have suffered from hair loss and are struggling to recover their real selves now have a non-surgical hair replacement option. Both men and women can seek out and learn more about the innovative new system by contacting Tony’s HRS for free consultation.

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