Video game players may love to use virtual reality (VR) goggles to play their favorites. Hollywood enjoys creating a VR for fantasy entertainment. Did you know that the Hollywood endorsed, internationally-acclaimed Virtual Reality Virtuésse and Derma Lens hair transplant alternative just made hair care and styling easier?

Hollywood Hair Transplants
Have you noticed that everyone in Hollywood seems to have great hair? Are they from another planet or were they simply born with great hair genes? The dirty little secret of Hollywood stars is that they are using hair transplants and non-surgical hair replacement solutions, behind-the-scenes. Of course, men and women both suffer from hair loss; usually, women start with more hair, so it is more difficult to see. One of the non-surgical hair replacement systems, preferred in Hollywood is the Derma Lens application. This can be used to resolve hair loss for men or women. It helps you to recover your youthful appearance and it looks completely natural. No one needs to know you had anything done.
Coping with Hair Loss
Alopecia is the scientific name for “hair loss.” Unfortunately, premature hair loss can be devastating to your work or private life. In Hollywood, you simply might not get a call back for the next big feature film. People with receding hair lines might also feel out-of-place and old. They feel like their appearance lacks youthful vigor. With our VR Virtuesse men’s hair replacement solution, you can regain that full head of hair. You will look more complete, energized and primed for action. We offer both removable and nonremovable hair replacement systems.
VR Virtuesse
Since 1976, we have been proudly serving the local South Carolina community. We have developed a premier non-surgical hair replacement studio offering the latest hair transplant alternative in a comfortable, private, no-pressure atmosphere. We are a full-service salon with coloring, repairs, and hair-adds. We are proud to offer VR Derma Lens and Virtuesse to resolve your hair loss issues. We understand that you want to regain your full, natural-looking head of hair and we can help. Enhance your lifestyle and regain control with a great-looking head of hair. So, if you are interested in men’s hair replacement, then try the VR solution featured on Good Morning America, Movie and a Makeover, and The Montel Williams Show. Our goal is to give you a full head of natural hair after your first session. Contact us for your free consultation.

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