Mistakenly thought to be a condition that only affects men. There is no surprise that women suffer in silence by altering their hairstyle to hide thinning hair or patches of bald spots.
For most women, female pattern hair loss begins in midlife or earlier for some women. The cause of female pattern hair loss is likely linked to genetics, aging, and levels of endocrine hormones. The hormonal process of testosterone converting to dihydrotestosterone ( DHT) which occurs in both men and women have been known to trigger hair loss and inhibits hair growth.
What’s the most common cause of female hair loss?
Female-pattern hair loss can be inherited from either the mother or father. This condition is also
known as Androgenetic alopecia and can start as early as late teens or earlier. Besides female
pattern hair loss, thinning hair happens in women for many different reasons:
– Underactive thyroid
– Telogen effluvium ( temporary hair shedding)
– Alopecia area ( an immune disorder causing temporary hair loss)
– Breaking of hair due to styling treatments and pulling of hair
– Vitamin deficiency
– Certain medications
– Particular skin diseases
– Hormonal abnormalities
– Stress
What Can I Do About My Hair Loss?
If you think that you may have female pattern hair loss, make an appointment to see a
dermatologist. A dermatologist can tell you whether it’s female pattern hair loss or something
else that is causing your hair loss. Other causes of hair loss can appear to be Female pattern
hair loss, so it’s extremely important to rule out these causes.
We understand the importance of hair and how it affects your life. That’s why we offer
personalized non-medical, non-surgical hair replacement systems that are tailored around your
unique hair loss situation, lifestyle, and budget. As a certified Virtual Reality Concept Studio, we
adhere to the highest standards for proficiency and professionalism. We start by evaluating your
hair growth pattern to determine directional flow, strategic coloring variations, and ideal
placement. Unlike traditional hairpiece or a wig, your non-surgical hair replacement system
becomes a part of you. So take the first step towards living your best life with a new outlook on
your appearance. Schedule a free, private, and confidential consultation today with one of our
certified Virtual Reality Image Consultants.

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